Monday, August 22, 2011

SLIDERS new engine

Got the gearbox out already

Went to see my 'new' engine

Came from this Datsun 180k 'skyline' of Fozan Dahlan

SR20 inside

Bought at reasonable price, complete with aircond and wira carb for better economy. This should be my daily car soon.


  1. salam... dasyat celica ko... sampai jadi togel ko buat.. goodluck bro... untuk L18, ko jaga lah baik2 yeh:)

  2. thnx bro. xdasyat mcm yg lain, ni takde duit punye keje je..haha. L18 tu aku jaga elok2.. nnt aku tunjuk dah psg kat enjin nnt.
