This perky little thing has transformed from a humble looking car to a screaming head turner. And the journey it travelled is a story that many people cant tell. It has a story of its own, which i learnt a lot from. And that knowledge i learnt from it will be use on my Celica to create my own kind of story.
This was a serious and wonderful journey for this car and the owner.

I call this a mean ketupat machine

This journey started with a bodywork from Ah Hai. Which is the same body shop as my KE30 before. The bodywork includes stripping, welding and undercoat. Man also opted a new pair of fender.

And to spice things a lil bit, he did a fender roll to make a perfect fitment for his rims.

From this...
to this...

means a lot

Many KE30 owners restore the car to the original. But i prefer unoriginal and muscular looking style.

He managed to find a new pair of rear lamp.

And for the icing on the cake, is the Blitz Nur Spec exhaust. Still the standard engine? No
Still the CA18? No

The best engine in the market

The 4throttle

Blacktop 4AGE

And with this interior, 160hp means business

This is a wonderful journey for this KE30.
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