So this morning i woke up early to make sure the work i started on the celica finished within this day. And that is suppose to because i had to clear up my parking space.
Since i had my satria a while back, there's no more parking space for other cars. So off the satria outside and soon the celica will be send to body shop.

It started to rust away since i left the car untouched for the past couple of weeks

And i went to ACE Hardware to buy this stuffs for today

The last time i removed the tar from under the vehicle, caused a big mess. And to slap on new tar leads to more mess in my garage. It was the hardest thing to do on this project.
But its already on.

Aesthetically it looks better this way rather than just hammerite

And also painted black at the back. Guess red is too flashy.

So after 6 hard and torturing hours of grinding and removing excess paint and putty. It looks like this.

Removed 85% of all paint. Cant proceed anymore as it numbs my hands and hurts my skin with those wire brush flying away from the grnder

Smooth finish

And then it rained... after the rain it started to oxidize again. Really fast though.

After sunny and rain, and then sunny again... this time i think the rain's gonna stop. But it didnt.
So after sunny again.. this time im sure that its gonna stay that way.

And from the dust. My 510 seems to be the victim here.

After inspect the car a few times

Discovered some small holes , the previous owner just patched up with putty

And some old weldings..

Aside from that, its all good.

Since there's no more rain and no more grinding.

Time to slap on some OSPHO (Stop rusting and prevent it from spreading)

Its better to use KURUST as it is a better rust stopper. But the price is over my budget.
Notice that the color changes when i applied the OSPHO.

some close up pics

I end up using everything till the last drop. Even the wire brush became one of the victim. Make it 5 though.

I went a little bit over with the OSPHO. As i will park the car outside. Even with the covers on, its still can oxidize.

So the body stripping is done

I hope i can send to the bodyshop within this month.

Cleared everything up and its time for new project.

And to finish this 510 too
