Couple of weeks ago i got the engine jack from Kokdiang.
Thus making a mess with my garage. Needs to clear things up
And i used towing service to tow the car from in front of my house to inside of my house. And ready to rip off the engine

So the modification done to install the 2tg is only to cut the middle hole in order to fit in the engine mounting.

So what i've done is i installed the mounting from the 180K to my original crossmember as it also have the same middle hole like the 2tg

But my mounting doesnt sit in the right position. It was poorly align and i had to find original mounting from Datsun 510 in order to fit the engine mounting properly tighten with the original 4 hole on the crossmember mounting

And thats the least of my problem.. My oil sump stuck on the crossmember
Tried using Datsun 180K crossmember but i had to do a lot of modification. So to fit in the engine, i have to find original Datsun 510 engine mounting.
And for the oil sump, i learned some interesting facts. Almost all of L series 4 cylinder engine from Datsun shares the same parts. But the difference in Datsun 180K and Bluebird 910, is the oil sump is at the front. However, the oil sump from Datsun 510 , 160j, 620, 720 etc is at the rear of the engine.
The solution is i have to find oil sump from another L series engine with the oil sump at the back. And problem solves.

taft job from mr cool haha.. bey beh bey beh owh....