I got the opprtunity to shot this 2 classic side by side
A true classic austin . I dont recall the model.
Look at the basic technology. Apart of the battery though
The simplicity
Kudo's to the owner
And this beauty
A unique thing on this car
Everything about this car is unique
Im also lucky enough to see this 190sl in original condition

A complete restoration i suppose. Or maybe just imported from Europe as the number plate is new

and the laugh of the day.

But the race stops. Need to clear a landing plane before continue the race again. Its rather dangerous to spectator as the plane landed pretty close to us. A mistake could lead to fatal. A big NO to things like this.

And im fascinated to see this Opel GT

A stunning piece of beauty crafted with a nice engine

The front resembles a Ferrari Daytona

And this 510 arrive

Along with this weird car

The drag continues , supposely with a correct category. But the management is a bit slobby, the cars were mixed up . Some payed for the drag, and some drag for free. Its confusing.

The exciting drag event is between this two. The Volvo seems like pretty stock. But it won that day, it was a fast car.. and the noise it produce sounds like using a Weber setup.

The race between this two rotary also attracts a lot of attraction. The sound of that 'RX2' is utterly brutal. Louder than the airplane that landed i supposed.

at 2 PM. We left the event as there is nothing much to do. Our initial plan was to camp there for a day, as the event will continue until sunday.
A complete restoration i suppose. Or maybe just imported from Europe as the number plate is new
Note the FC
and the laugh of the day.
But the race stops. Need to clear a landing plane before continue the race again. Its rather dangerous to spectator as the plane landed pretty close to us. A mistake could lead to fatal. A big NO to things like this.
And im fascinated to see this Opel GT
A stunning piece of beauty crafted with a nice engine
The front resembles a Ferrari Daytona
And this 510 arrive
Along with this weird car
The drag continues , supposely with a correct category. But the management is a bit slobby, the cars were mixed up . Some payed for the drag, and some drag for free. Its confusing.
The exciting drag event is between this two. The Volvo seems like pretty stock. But it won that day, it was a fast car.. and the noise it produce sounds like using a Weber setup.
The race between this two rotary also attracts a lot of attraction. The sound of that 'RX2' is utterly brutal. Louder than the airplane that landed i supposed.
at 2 PM. We left the event as there is nothing much to do. Our initial plan was to camp there for a day, as the event will continue until sunday.
As we were leaving, we had a little though. Its not as it was claimed. The big misunderstand and bad management make us fed up with event. Its not as exciting as it should be, its not as fun as it was claimed. It was rather a boring and dull event