Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Amar's ride

Last saturday went to amar's house to check out his recently bought KE70 4AGE T...

and also accompany him to paint shop , check out some abondoned car...and stuff...

So here's the pics...

U see a snail in there..? yeah...a yummy 20V silvertpo 4AGE with bolt on turbo...

After this..? white color... yeah... needs to give the car shower once a day after this...

Wide fender than my previous KE70...

And more negative camber at the front..

Then we went to Bukit Antarabangsa to meet up with DCM members.. which clearly i didnt understand anything what they were talking about... ya know... olskool with drift doesnt really match
so i only took picture on the way to Bukit Antarabangsa... and i just forgot to take picture of their cars... well next time perhaps..

till then...


  1. tq for da photos.. rajin2 la update blog. kasi letak link2 kwn2 kat tepi n what not..

    slmt mengepost

  2. ok bro... ada masa nanti aku letak la link tu.. lgpun masih blajar lg...haha...
