well...lets continue with lowering the rear part first... (actually i've already forgot bout my blog...but...im gonna make it alive again...)
So.. again... borrowed stand from my friend and bought a cheapo jack which is.....well.. not very useful...
starting by opening the tires , u-bolt and block..

Removing the rubber...(coz it will hit my axle if i dont remove it...since im goin to slam my car...)

testing the block and the long u-bolt... (u-bolt bought from accesories shop in KL...kinda hard to find)

see the difference..? (from right the original, middle previous 2" kit, left current setup...)

This thing caught my attention..seems like the u-bolt is kinda...too long...

Anyway...managed to measure where to drill a hole on the... base...(?) (i dunno what that thing is called)

Preparin' the stuffs to be sent to machine shop...

While waiting for them to do that job... managed to roll the fenders using the rubber hammer...

and cutting that thing..(also forgot the name..)
(why did i cut that thing..? coz the u-bolt diameter is bigger...so the original hole doesnt fit the big u-bolt...)

got some extra sprays...so...candy red does make the block looks nicer... ;)

after some boring hours...

stuffs finally ready..so picked up using my wagon...since this is the first time driving the wagon this year...


So, installin the block!!
Moments of truth..
Zappp... lowering da jack!
Some problems occur... the u-bolt is too long! and not enough thread to lock the u-bolt...
But it does looks nice...
Unfortunately...gotta jacked it up again...
Plan is to cut the u-bolt about 1.5 inch and make a new thread around 2 inch..
but machine shop cant make a new thread as the steel is U in shape instead of just straight steels...
Some idea came in... decided to cut the thread 1 1/4 inch...
and bought this humble nuts....for what..?
yeah! it acts like a spacer... the nuts is bigger than the u-bolt... so i can tight the nut without insufficiency of thread... :P
And vuallah! all problems solved...
For the second time...zapp.... down...
Slam enough...? hehe...

Continue with the front part~