Part 3
A very Big Pandan... i think at this size..its not a Pandan anymore...

I like this pic... coz eventhough only using Kodak camera... the results is (for me lah..) kinda cool...

Looks soft and delicious.... but its a 'lumut' or mold....haha...

Climbing a 800m Hill is very2,very2,very2 tired......! and all i see is this...?
But kinda proud though...out of 6 person... only me n my sister reached the top...
eventhough only wearing jeans, crocs ... good archievements... lol...
Ulu Assam View Point...

I heard scientist watching 'anak bulan' for Ramadhan or something else is in the exact same spot...
hmm... i wonder how they carry all the stuffs here...
The journey back to jetty was torturing too... should thought bout dat before anyway, went to riverside for dinner and straight to hotel for...sleeping ofcourse....
The last day... we round to Kuching town before went to da airport....
accidently took this nice pic...
And here we go...! So long Kuching and... oh... damn... hi again Kuala Lumpur... :o
and theres part of my Kuching Trip..... hope anyone (which is my imaginery readers) enjoy my blabbering.... and thanks for reading this blog....!